Women's Home & Overseas

Missionary Society

The Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society is the oldest and largest organization of The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. In 1880, the Society was formed in response to an overseas church-planting venture by the denomination. More than 130 years later, the Society is involved in the diverse cultures of West, Central and South Africa, England, India, Guyana, Surinam and the Caribbean island, with its flagship overseas mission church started in 1878 in Brewerville, Liberia West Africa.

The purpose of the Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society of The African Methodist Zion Church is to:
• Promote growth in the knowledge and understanding of God and His plan of redemption for the world, as revealed through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit;
• Teach the concepts of Christian missions and provide experiences for participation in mission work and its ministries;
• Exemplify the principles of Christian living and to win others to Christ;
• Promote the cause of World Evangelism; and
• Serve as a financial support system to undergird the world mission outreach of The A.M.E. Zion Church at home and overseas, to the end that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ is exalted and God is glorified.


Christian Education Department


The Christian Education Department of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church was created for the promotion and supervision of the Christian training and development of the entire membership of the denomination.

Founded in 1887, the Christian Education Department (CED) of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church provides supervision, guidance, direction and programmatic support of the Christian training and nurture of children, youth, young adults and adults throughout the A. M. E. Zion Church. Often described as a “cradle to the grave” ministry, Christian Education supports Christian development in homes, churches, camps as well as church-related schools, colleges and seminaries.

The Christian Education Department offers workshops, seminars, conferences and conventions that help develop effective skills in Christian Educators and those striving for a closer walk with the Lord. It also establishes curriculum and other standards to support Christian Education programs at every level of the church.

The department is organized into two divisions-the School and College Division and the Home and Church Division.

The Home and Church Division includes Varick’s Children; Youth Ministries; Young Adult Ministries; Adult Ministries and Church School Literature. The Church School Editorial Section includes Church School Literature and operates under the auspices of the Home and Church Division of the Christian Education Department (CED).

Connectional Lay Council



As servants of the Most High God, and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ that are guided by the Holy Spirit, the vision of the Connectional Lay Council of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is to prepare the lay members of our denomination for a life of service in the Kingdom of God.

We will do this by:

  1. Developing ourselves and others as Christian disciples;
  2. Helping others to know, worship and follow Christ in spirit and in truth;
  3. Collaborating and cooperating across organizational, institutional and denominational boundaries to minister to the masses.

Our motto “Come with us to Christ” is the impetus for implementing ministries that are positive in transforming people’s lives spiritually, socially and economically; in promoting fellowship with God and other believers, as well as those who are not saved. We affirm our belief that no one is too old, too young, too rich, too poor, too saved or even too lost to benefit from the ministries offered by the Lay Council.

Membership in the Lay Council is not a prerequisite to benefit from the Lay Council’s ministries. However, all laity in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church are strongly encouraged to catch the vision for Christian Leadership, Accountability, Stewardship and Christian Service so that, together, we might usher in the Kingdom of God through the A. M. E. Zion Church.

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